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Most of our beaches and services are accessible to people with reduced mobility.
More informationPasseig de Jaume I, 4, 43840 Salou, Tarragona
(+34) 977 35 01 02
Schedule: Dilluns a divendres/Lunes a viernes/Monday to Friday/Lundi à vendredi: 9:30h a/to 14:30h // Dissabtes, diumenges i festius/Sábados, domingos y festivos/Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays/Samedis, dimanche et jours fériés: 9:30h a/to 13:30h
Plaça d’Europa, 43840 Salou, Tarragona
(+34) 977 35 01 02
Schedule: Tancada/Cerrada/Closed/Fermé
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Patronat Municipal de Turisme de Salou
Passeig Jaume I, 4 43840 Salou, Tarragona (Spain)
Phone: 977 35 01 02 / E-mail:visitsalou@salou.cat